Naquela all sand – Jeri by Talitta

In today’s text, an external guest comes to tell about the experience of living in the village:

In the middle of a very windy and sunny day, walking through the dunes, the impression is that the world is made of sand, my first arrival in Jeri was on one of those afternoons. In an adapted truck, in “Redenção” I landed in what would be my home that year, I had never seen so much sand, in defense of the sand, I had not visited many places.

In 2010 Jeri was different, smaller in many ways, magical and enchanting, the caipirinhas, the parties at Planeta Jeri, the Kebabs at Mama África at dawn, things changed a bit, I changed a bit, I went back, and I went again , but Jeri remains in my soul. Living there has something sacred and transformative, the experience of freedom and community life different from what we normally conceive makes our worldview expand, and never again be the same, thank goodness.

Jeri will always live in my heart, and I will visit whenever possible, whenever necessary, whenever I need to be in the middle of a world that seems to be made only of moving sand, to understand that everything changes, always, but that in at some point changes make sense if we let ourselves flow.
