Naquela Blog

This text marks the beginning of our journey on the new website, where we will outline the essence of this space with enthusiasm. The idea of the blog is to provide information and establish a channel to disseminate our latest news, thus creating a continuous and permanent record of our history. We conceived this space as a collaborative environment, inviting both our team and external participants, who will contribute with different subjects.

For today, we will reveal a particularity of our beloved village of Jericoacoara. In contrast to other regions of the globe, here the seasons are not so rigidly demarcated. Among the oldest residents, and natives of this locality, the opinion is shared that we have only two seasons: Winter, a rainy period that extends from January to mid-June, and Summer, with sunny days and good winds, covering approximately the period from mid-June to December.

This rainfall cycle plays a key role in supplying the lakes in the region, which are generated by the merging of rain with the water table, ensuring a year full of exciting walks along the East and West itineraries. What’s your favorite pond?
